Special for Book VIII in Month 8: Learning to Love Willie $10.00 plus FREE shipping!
In this blog: We Interrupt this Love Affair
Notes from Joy
BOOB Girl Talk for your groups
The BOOB Girl Series
Everyone except Alphonso Greatwood was seated around table 12 in the Meadow Lakes dining room. Wiley Vondra was leafing through a Sports Illustrated magazine, Raven was looking out the window in a state of Apache meditation, Robbie was at her computer and Hadley and Mary Rose were watching Marge Aaron -- - intently.
Marge had two pages of names in large print in front of her. Robbie had matching pages up on her computer screen.
“Give me another one,” Marge said, not looking at Robbie.
Robbie leaned toward her computer. “You got Patrick Mahomes with the Chiefs and he’s the most important. How about New Orleans?”
“Drew Brees,” Marge grinned.
“Baltimore!” Robbie challenged.
“LaMar Jackson!” Marge came back.
“Green Bay.”
“Aaron Rogers!” Marge was on a roll.
“Indianapolis Colts,” Wiley interrupted.
Marge was quiet, a puzzled, frustrated look on her face.
“Carson Wenz, unless he gets hurt,” Wiley informed them. “That boy is accident prone, and he goes out every season.”
“Tom Brady is due to go out, too,” Raven said, breaking his meditation.
“Tampa Bay!” Marge almost yelled at Brady’s name.
“I think you’re doing really well, Marge,” Mary Rose said.
Hadley nodded in agreement.
Marge Aaron was memorizing the entire list of National Football League quarterbacks so she could sound intelligent when she and Alphons watched football together.
She had a sign on the table in front of her and was carefully trying to glue a strip of photography paper over one word.
The sign read, “We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season,” and since Marge and Alphonso were not married, she was changing ‘marriage’ to ‘love affair.’ It could have been going better.
“Alphonso hates the Dallas Cowboys,” Raven said. “You need a few Cowboy jokes in your arsenal.”
Marge looked at him expectantly.
“What does a Cowboys fan do when his team wins?” Raven asked.
They looked at him.
“Turns off his play station,” Raven grinned.
Wiley groaned.
“How many cowboy fans does it take to change a light bulb?” Wiley asked, looking at Raven.
“None,” Raveen said. “They just talk about how it was when it was on.”
Hadley did an eye roll.
“What do you call 20 millionaires watching the Superbowl?” Robbie asked.
They looked at her.
“The Dallas Cowboys!” Robbie said, pumping her fist in the air, amazed no one had answered.
Alphonso Greatwood rolled into the dining room on his scooter, The Green Machine.
“Man do I need some coffee. I’ve been putting out fires all morning.?”
Marge grinned. “Phonzie! What do 20 millionaires do when a light bulb needs changing?”
Everyone, especially Alphonso, gave her a blank look.
“She would have been ahead by just yelling, ‘Dak Prescott!!’” Wiley said to Raven.
“You’ve got to be a football fan.” Wiley grinned.
Each month, we will run a special, “Book of the Month,” opportunity.
If you have friends with birthdays or anniversaries in July
If your book VIII is getting dog-eared and old and needs replacing.
If you want to make a special gift to a nursing home
If your library needs a BOOB Girl boost.
Or if someone is grieving and you need a “just because” gift
Here’s your chance.
BOOB Girls VIII: Learning to Love Willie
We will ship to anyone you wish to gift with a note that it is from you.
Free shipping.
It’s an inexpensive and great surprise gift that brings laughter and smiles.
We will put it in a beautiful BOOB Girl gift bag as a special gift.
Three Blind Mice
Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run. See how they run.
They all ran after the farmer’s wife.
She cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did ever you see such a sight in your life as three blind mice?
According to some claims the “three blind mice” are the three Protestants executed by Queen Mary I of England, in the Catholicism and Protestantism conflict. It is about the Oxford Martyrs who were tried for heresy and burnt at the stake in 1555.
Book VIII is a fun comedy mystery and a take-off on Nursery Rhymes. Each rhyme used tells its own history. We Willie Winkie was written to give children their own town crier. Running upstairs and downstairs throughout the book are the evil Dr Fell (I do not like thee, Dr Fell, the reason why I cannot tell, but this I know and know full well. I do not like thee, Dr. Fell) is out to murder Willie Winkie and take over his Winkie Wear – absolutely horrible nightwear for seasoned women.
There is a horrendous fashion show which nearly burns down the Meadow Lakes dining room. We meet Merry Mary, quite contrary, who owns a truck garden outside of Omaha. An old woman who has so many children she doesn’t know what to do, hides Willie in plain site and Marge Aaron gets to use her Red Cane more than once.
Our guarantee: if you don’t laugh out loud, you get your money back.
A Note From Joy
That sign – “We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season,” sits atop my big rolltop desk.
Ted and I are both football fans. And like Marge Aaron I know almost all the NFL quarterbacks. (A heck of a lot more than Ted.)
While in one book, Alphonso is the brunt of Kansas City Chief jokes. This time he gets to enjoy laughing at the cowboys.
And you’ll enjoy laughing through Learning to Love Willie. This is a good book to give as a gift because we all remember nursery rhymes. Next blog we’ll take a look at the history of the old woman who lived in a shoe. A good woman with many children gives Willie a room to do his sewing, hiding him in plain sight from the evil Dr. Fell. We may even find out where Dr. Fell came from.
The girls and I wish you safety, health and good times.
Now that we are opening up some, I will be available for speaking. At least I HOPE we’ll be opening up some! The BOOB Girls Talk will be shorter, 30-40 minutes, and will be available only within 150 miles of Omaha.
For information, email joy.johnson@msn.com or call at 403-639-2030,
This is a laugh out loud talk that includes how older women are beautiful and BOOB Girl Books will be waiting for you.
Talks scheduled:
Bellevue, NE Library Oct 11th
Lakeside Red Hats, Omaha NE, Dec 14th
Credit cards: website or 402-639-2939
Check to Joy Brown at
8141 farnam, #322, Omaha NE 68114