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Writer's pictureJoy Johnson Brown

Tough Old Broads

Tough Old Broads

We are tough old broads.

Our Great-great Grandmothers sat in cold, drafty taverns, lit by gaslight or candles, cold winter air blowing around their floor-length skirts while they wrapped bandages for soldiers in the Revolutionary War.

We are tough old broads.

In the civil war our great grandmothers hid slaves in their barns or loaded them in wagons and turned their horses toward the North Star and freedom.

We are tough old broads.

In World War I our grandmothers put a red cross on a white band and wore it around their arms on the battlefield, helping the wounded, getting their clothes drenched in the blood of young men.

We are tough old broads.

When the depression flattened this land like a prairie fire, our mothers saved seeds, carried buckets of water to help them grow and in the meantime made Hoover Stew out of hot dogs and any meat she had.

We are tough old broads

In World War II our mothers waited at home and hoped a gold star would never appear in their window. Our aunts became WACS or WAVES and were the role models for women in Korea and Viet Nam.

Today our granddaughters are tough young broads, flying combat missions, running for president and becoming generals.

They are tough young broads.

So when a pandemic hits, and they force us old broads into isolation because we’re “the vulnerable,” We’ll stay home. We’ll not see those we love. We’ll become hug depraved, and we’ll fight an invisible enemy – loneliness.

But we’ll get up, clean up and act up.

The women in our families know how to wait something out.

We are tough old broads.

We’ll put on our lipstick, look good for ourselves and find a way to do something different and entertaining. We’ll call someone and talk. We’ll send cards. We’ll take care of the world.

We are tough old broads!

Send another Tough Old Broad a smile for Easter.

Order any BOOB Girls book for $15. Send us a check to Joy Brown, 8141 Farnam, #322, Omaha NE 68114 Give us name and address if you want it sent directly to the woman you are gifting and we will inscribe it and let her know it’s a surprise from you. What a way to brighten a day!

Credit card calls – call Joy at 402-639-2939 and chat for a minute.

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