We have all cried and if we haven’t, we’ve certainly felt like it.
In your blogs we’ve talked about grief and guilt and regret.
Now it’s time to laugh.
No matter how many the tears, laughter is a great healer. As Hadley says in The Last BOOB Girl Book, “Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician.”
One of my favorite signs in our apartment says, “It is what it is. It becomes what you make of it.”
So, let’s make at least a smile of it.
My Sheltered-In Diary
Day 1 – I’m set. I have books and enough wine and food for a month. Day 2 – Am going to make the most of this. Planned out an exercise program. Day 3 – Abandoned the exercise program. Who needs it? Reading cookbooks instead. Day 4 – Had an interesting conversation with a spider. Seems nice. She’s a web designer. Day 5 – 8pm. Changed out of my daytime pajamas into my night-time pajamas. Day 6–Have to take the garbage out. I’m excited. What shall I wear? Day 7 – Understand how dogs feel. I’m pacing back and forth, looking out the windows, want to go for a ride. Late this afternoon I barked at a squirrel. Day 8 – Some strawberries have 210 seeds. Others have 234. Who knew? Day 8 – Put a bottle of wine in each room. At 5pm I’m dressing up and going bar hopping. Day 9 – Wine supply getting low and this evening the refrigerator said, “What the hell do you want now?” Day 10 – Talked this all over with the toaster, but it just popped off at me. The refrigerator is too cold to discuss anything, and the washer keeps wanting to put a new spin on things. The damn vacuum is broke and won’t speak to me. Day 11 – Wine supply almost gone. Day 12. Went to a new restaurant. Called “The Kitchen." You have to bring your own ingredients and cook your own food. I have no idea how this place has stayed in business. Day 13 – Watched three movies today. Didn’t realize it was the same one until the third time around. Day 13 – If you keep a glass of wine in each hand you can keep from touching your face. Day 15 – Have absorbed so much soap and hand sanitizer that when I go to the bathroom, I clean the toilet. That’s a good thing. Day 16 – Searching online for the panties that have the day of the week on them. Every place is sold out. Day 17 – Miss the answering machines. Everybody I call is home and answers on the first ring. Day 18 – Watching birds fight over worms. Blue Jays lead the Cardinals 6- 3. Day 19 – Watching sports reruns on ESPN. Thank God the Chiefs won the Super Bowl again. Day 20 – Tried putting jigsaw puzzle together then discovered it was a box of Wheaties. Day 21 – Talked to a friend who is homeschooling her children, 8, 10, 12. Very successful. They’ve all graduated high school and will be job hunting and moving out soon. Send me your jokes and your sadness too. We can be a support group for each other. Joy.johnson@msn.com
THINK OF TWO FRIENDS WHO NEED A SMILE. Send them a copy of The BOOB Girls.
SPECIAL SALE! Choose any book for $12.00 until April 30th. If you want reading for the next month, order a full set of eleven for $125 and pass them around or give them away.
Order on line www.theboobgirls.com
Or call 402-639-2939

A special gift for a friend or assisted living facility or nursing home.
The Launch of The Last BOOB Girl Book
Sunday, November 22, 1-4PM, New Cassel Retirement Center, 900 N 90thSt. Omaha.