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Writer's pictureJoy Johnson Brown

Hello, The Last BOOB Girl Book!

Here are the first paragraphs of the last BOOB Girl book:

“He’s dead!”

The three women sitting at table 12 in the Meadow Lakes Retirement Community dining room watched as Mary Rose McGill hurried toward them as fast as she could, dodging between tables, behind chairs, almost pushing seated diners out of the way – hurrying to get to their table.

She stopped, stood beside the empty chair where she usually sat, put her shaking hands on the table and said it again.

“He’s dead!”

The three friends looked at her in shocked surprise. Hadley Joy Morris-Whitfield put her hand over her mouth, Robinson Leary put her hand on her chest and Marge Aaron reached out and put her hand on Mary Rose McGill’s wrist.

“What happened, Mary Rose?” Marge asked, her voice steady and strong.

“I was watching television and had to go pee,” (this was not unusual for Mary Rose) “and when I came out of the bathroom, in just a minute I realized he was dead.”

They looked at her.

The four girls, Marge Aaron, Hadley Joy Morris-Whitfield, Mary Rose McGill and Dr. Robinson Leary are walking toward the water-soaked corpse (or ghost if you prefer) of Maggie Patten. In the background is Marge, Ted and Joy’s Meadow Lakes – the Arboretum Village.

We got this shot just minutes before a severe storm hit. Symbolic of life? The handsome photographer is my husband, Ted Brown who delighted in being asked to take a picture of ladies’ rears.

The book will be out in Octobers and now it’s time to PRE-ORDER.

Just send a check for $16 to

Joy Brown

8141 Franam Dr #322

Omaha NE 68114

For credit cards call Joy at 402-639-2939

We will send you your book as soon as it’s off the press.

We do have a launch party planned on November 22nd, but with the pandemic, we doubt that we’ll be able to welcome our 100+ ladies to join us. I miss that!!

Note from Joy: Thank you for the positive response to Don’t Mess With Mamas in the last blog. Now a word about the last book.

Several people said, “You’ve said it was the last book before.” Nope – I never did. I said I hoped to live to write 12 books in honor of Table 12. Son of a Gun, I did.

Several people said, “You can’t stop writing BOOB Girls, they’re too important to you,”

Nope. I have. Right now, they will be on the blog, so they’ll still be around. But presently I’m having more fun writing than I ever had. I’m writing a children’s book for each of my seven adult grandchildren, ages 22 to 31. In the next blog, I’ll tell you about Alexander and the 200 Keys.

Keep in touch!

What should the BOOB Girls be up to now during the pandemic? For the next few blogs we’ll highlight book XII, but we may need to go to Meadow Lakes and support Alphonso Greatwood as he faces a dismal Autumn without football!!!


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What should the girls be doing during this difficult time?

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As they used to say on old time radio: Stay Tuned.

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