In this blog: RATS!!
Special for Book IX in Month 9: The BOOB Girls in Training Bras-Broomsticks, Rats And Snakes on sale for $10.00.
Notes from Joy
BOOB Girl Talk for your groups
The BOOB Girl Series
It was a beautiful September morning and Hadley had mixed up a big pitcher of lemonade to have along with their coffee. Mary Rose McGill had furnished a plateful of chocolate chip cookies and the soft, gentle breeze that blew across their table on the patio of Meadow Lakes Retirement Community seemed to tell them that summer was not yet willing to leave them alone.
Robinson Leary was busy at her computer, grabbing sips of lemonade between scrolling and typing. Hadley Joy Morris-Whitfield was concentrating on her Kindle where Harlan Coben was spinning another good mystery. Marge Aaron, crunching on her second cookie was deep into her iPad studying a list of National Football League quarterbacks and memorizing their names and teams. Mary Rose McGill was opening a bright pink envelope she had just retrieved from her mailbox on her way to coffee. KVNO, Omaha’s classic radio station was paying Morning Mozart over Robbie’s computer. It was warm and pleasant and totally comfortable.
Then Mary Rose McGill began to laugh. “Girls! This is from a voice from our past. Chaos Caldron! Listen. She began to read: ‘Girls- I have just finished my full certification as a Voo Doo Queen. I have completed four successful spells and made three fabulous potions. If there is anyone bothering you, I can send miserable itches their way now. I can do a fine love potion, Marge, but it’s rather week and probably doesn’t work as well as a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. Love you all, Chaos.
“She did it!” Robbie grinned. The other three nodded in agreement.
“I have a congratulations card I can send her from us,” Hadley said.
“Reminds me I need to pick up some wine,” Marge added.
“Remember when we first saw Chaos?” Mary Rose asked, looking off into the distance to bring the memory close. “We were standing at the big window in the dining room.”
“Looking out over the biggest snowfall in Omaha in years,” Robbie remembered.
“And we saw Chaos bouncing over the drifts in a snowsuit and riding a snow mobile.”
‘You grabbed the binoculars, Marge,” Mary Rose said with a smile. “You looked at her through them and said, ‘Rats!’
Marge closed down her quarterback cheat sheet and grinned. “And you scolded me. I remember you looking a little shocked and saying, ‘Marge! She might be a new resident. You should not look at her and say, ‘Rats!’”
“But that’s what they were,” Marge grinned. “In a little cage behind her seat. Double-Double, Toil and Trouble.”
“Her three familiars,” Hadley added.
“I loved it that Chaos didn’t care if it was witches and not Voo Doo queens who had familiars,” Robbie said. She thought for a minute. “And she had crocheted tiny little sweaters for them with variegated yarn.”
“They were cute,” Hadley added.
Geoffrey the Mastiff limped his way out to the patio, looked around, farted, and lay down at Mary Rose’s feet.
“He thought they were cute, too,” Mary Rose said, patting Geoffrey’s head.
“And only tried to eat them twice,” Robbie said.
They raised their lemonade to Chas Caldron. Voo Doo Queen Deluxe!

A Special for Book IX for Month IX $10.00 CLICK HERE
Each month, we will run a special, “Book of the Month,” opportunity.
If you have friends with birthdays or anniversaries in September or October
If your book IX is getting dog-eared and old and needs replacing.
They raised their lemonade to Chaos Caldron. Voo Doo Queen Deluxe!
If your library needs a BOOB Girl boost.
Or if someone is grieving and you need a “just because” gift
Here’s your chance.
BOOB Girls IX: The BOOB Girls in Training Bras
Broomsticks, Rats And Snakes
$10 (regularly $15)
We will ship to anyone you wish to gift with a note that it is from you.
Free shipping.
It’s an inexpensive and great surprise gift that brings laughter and smiles.
We will put it in a beautiful BOOB Girl gift bag as a special gift.
From The BOOB Girls IX:
A Voo Doo queen in training becomes a resident at Meadow Lakes Retirement Community. She can’t make Love Potion Number Nine yet, she’s only on six. She is tall, thin, elegant, and awkward.
Marge’s cane becomes a super magnet.
Hadley’s cooking becomes a disaster.
Mary Rose loses things.
And Zed Zoonker almost decides to move.
Adventure abounds with Chaos’ misdirected spells!
And there is mystery galore after Winifred Witch is found murdered, her body deep in a snow drift with her broomstick marking her snowy grave. There are Broomsticks, Rats and Snakes all over the place.
Our guarantee: if you don’t laugh out loud, you get your money back.

A note from Joy
We love the Shrine Women!
Ted suggested the plot for book IX – a Voo Doo queen in training moves into Meadow Lakes.
I liked the idea, but I didn’t have a title for the book or a name for the main character. Then we spoke at the Shrine Women’s Dinner. They are a terrific bunch who know how to love and laugh. At the end of my talk, I told them about the idea, but I didn’t have a title or a name for the Voo Doo queen.
A table of four (a table 12 no doubt) came up to me afterward.
“How do you like ‘Chaos Caldron’ for the Voo Doo queen?”
“I like it!”
“How about, ‘The BOOB Girls in Training Bras and Training Bras stands for Broomsticks, Rats And Snakes.”
It don’t git no better! I knew right away that would write. And it did. IX is one of the series favorites. If you have it, read it again – and if you don’t or you know a friend who needs a Training Bra, now’s the time.
Love you to all and may your broomstick be sturdy, your rats absent and your snakes deep in hibernation. As I inscribe book IX: Stay Up-lifted!

The girls and I wish you safety, health and good times.
Now that we are opening up some, I will be available for speaking. At least I HOPE we’ll be opening up some! The BOOB Girls Talk will be shorter, 30-40 minutes, and will be available only within 150 miles of Omaha.
For information, email joy.johnson@msn.com or call at 402-639-2030,
This is a laugh out loud talk that includes how older women are beautiful and BOOB Girl Books will be waiting for you.
Talks scheduled:
Bellevue NE Library Oct 11
Lakeside Red Hats, Omaha NE, Dec 14

Credit cards: website or 402-639-2939
Check to Joy Brown at
8141 Farnam, #322, Omaha NE 68114