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Ten Little, Nine Little, Eight Little Puritans. And then there were none! When the haunted Bed and Breakfast in Salem’s Crossing, Nebraska, fills up with Puritan Descendants coming to a reunion, the BOOB Girls venture in to help their old nemesis, Scooter McKooter. They admire the ten little Puritan dolls on display near the dining room entrance, and when the real Puritans – Diewell Barebones, Patience Evenow, Abstinence Evermore and others come to check in, those little dolls begin to disappear. Worse yet, so do the Puritans. After Mary Rose McGill becomes a kidnap victim herself, the chaos begins. With the help of Geoffrey the mastiff, the girls “sniff” out the clues and find that even a place as far away as Butch Sleezer’s Fertility Clinic can house then evict questionable characters. Who done it? Who is really driving the expensive carriage pulled by the black horse that elicits deep growls from Geoffrey and curiosity from the girls? And what about the mysterious writer appearing at the Shut Up And Drink Tavern? There’s a vet named Jane Pawter and serious competition for Scooter at the Scenic Point Resort as well as four helpful hands from Wiley Vondra and Alphonso Greatwood.

The Burned Out Old Broads VII: Ten Little Puritans

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