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In this blog:


A Note From Joy

BOOB Girl Talk for your groups

New Offers in The BOOB Girl Series


I could not write this blog. I lay awake at night with what I would write going over and over in my head. At the end I had Hadley running from the dining room, Alphonso scootering to the big to put his arms around Marge, who was staring out at the big lawn. I had Mary Rose with her head buried in Wiley’s chest while tears streamed down his cheeks and Raven was moving toward a sobbing Robbie with his arms outstretched. Geoffrey had his paws over his ears, his eyes closed.

In the blog I was writing in my head, they had all had a loud, angry say about the killing of little kids and teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvandle, Texas.

Raven, the Apache, had been the last to speak, saying, “You called US savages!”

Hadley had screamed, “Governor! Senators! You have BLOOD on your hands! Those little kids weren’t just shot! They were blown to pieces. You should have a picture of the gore and blood and body parts in that bright, happy classroom. It should be on your desk and you should be required to look at it every day of your life!” Then she went sobbing from the room, just like we feel like doing.

I was feeling tears soak into my pillow and I turned over, moved into my safe, comfortable spoon with sound-asleep-Ted and put my arm over him to feel safe.

In The BOOB Girls XII, The Last BOOB Girl Book, Mary Rose’s brother returns for her wedding after years of teaching in Ireland and being lost to his sister. He had rescued her from being raped by their father, had left the house with his duffel bag over his shoulder and she had not seen him or known where he was until he came back for her wedding.

He said to her, “To be sure, I could not live here. I could not teach here. Yours is the only country in the world that shoots its own children.”

What have we become?

Who are we now?

My friend, Lori, here at the Arboretum, told me about a shirt she was thinking about ordering. The front of the shirt said, “Go Ahead. Underestimate me. That will be fun.”

Never underestimate a Burned Out Old Broad.

As John Lewis said, “We are too old to shut up.”

When we talked with our representative in Washington once, he said, “If I get 10 letters on an issue, I pay attention.”

Here is what I want you to do:

Write a simple, one or two sentence letter to:

Your Senators in Washington

Your Representative.

Mitch McConnell

Chuck Shumer

Nancy Pelosi

Your Governor

Your state representative/senator on your state lever.

Anyone else you want to hear you.

Here is all you have to say.

We want common sense gun laws.

Red Flag laws.

Background checks for every gun owner.

And if you are one who believes there are gun laws not being enforced, name three and say you want them enforced.

If you have a computer, you can email all of the people above. You can cut and paste the same letter or group them. You can find addresses by simply Googling find my…..

If that doesn’t work, call your local library and ask for names and addresses.

We have to do something! We are the Grandmothers!

Don’t want to write either by letter or emails? Call their offices!

Write to your local paper.

Have a coffee with friends and do the emailing or writing together – you can all sign on to each letter. Scare the hell out of them.

Let them all know when it comes to killing little kids in school and shooting old people shopping for groceries and everybody else, YOU ARE ONE BURNED OUT OLD BROAD.


For inspiration to to YouTube and search for Coach Steve Lewis on Gun Control.

He’s a basketball hall of famer, coach of the Golden State Warriors and he started a press conference with, “We’re not talking about basketball.” It’s excellent.


A Note From Joy

In the last decade there have been 500 school shootings.

Close to 1 a week.

We have been the women who got things done. When you contact your officials, I want to know. Email me at or call 402-639-2939. We’ll report. And don’t let them give you excuses.

The blood is on our hands, too.


Credit cards: website or 402-639-2939

Check to Joy Brown at

8141 Farnam, #322, Omaha NE 68114

Three Specials:

1. One BOOB Girls Birds Poster:

Janet found one lonely poster (size of a small movie poster) by Jim Campbell of the BOOB Girls as birds. From Left to right: Esmeralda St Benedict, Maggie Patten, You (because there is always room for one more at Table 12, Mary Rose McGill, Robinson Leary, Marge Aaron, Hadley Joy Morris-Whitfield, Patty Whack. And below is Marge’s red cane and the evil Finigan Farquer peering around the tree and “lurking.”

First one to respond saying you want it gets it for $30.

2. Any Six Books for $60.

Take your pick, first six, last six, mix and match. A great way to start a collection or fill in the missing ones.

3. An idea for a very special gift.

We will send a BOOB Girl book from you to a friend who needs a laugh. Do this now, from this blog. It will be a perfect gift.

I am once again available for speaking!

The BOOB Girls Talk will be shorter, 30-40 minutes, and will be available only within 150 miles of Omaha. And there is an entirely new, delightful talk: The Gun Found at Marks.

Complete with gun!

Talk 1: The BOOB Girls – the Burned Out Old Broads at Table 12

Talk 2: The Gun Found at Marks (true story in book XI)

For information, email or call at 402-639-2939.

These are laugh out loud talks that include how older women are beautiful and BOOB Girl Books will be waiting for you.

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